Quiz on the labors of Hercules

This little quiz will help you test your knowledge on the labors of Hercules.

Here are a few directions which will be helpful along the way:

  • You can search for the answers to all of the questions on this page
  • .

  • As you can see, there is a box in which you can type your name (or alias if you prefer). Now, this is optional, but please note that at the end of the test you will be issued a certificate, on which your name and your score are printed. If there is no name, obviously you will not get a certificate!
  • There are sixteen questions in total, all multiple choice and on each question you have five options to select from, only one of them being correct.
  • You have to answer all the questions, you cannot skip any of them!
  • After you make your choice and submit your answer, you get to know whether your answer is correct or not. You can always back up one step to see the results and see, in case your answer was incorrect, which of the options was the correct answer.
  • At the end of the test, you can scroll to see all of the questions and what you did wrong (hopefully you will get all of them right!)
  • Based on your score, you will be automatically assigned to one of the following four categories:

    • if your score is between 90% to 100%, then you are a master
    • if your score is between 80% to 89%, then you are an expert
    • if your score is between 70% to 79%, then you are a regular
    • if your score is between 55% to 69%, then you are an apprentice
    • and finally, if your score is between 0% to 54%, then you are a newbie!

Well, I wish you good luck!

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